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organization pattern is different
most debated about author for if it was John the Disciple or just the one behind the text (perhaps Lazurus)
Did he write it alone? probably not being around 80s to 90s in years, so he would have had some help from his disciples (John 21:24) hence the royal we. "I don't think any one would fault an 80 to 90 year old man getting help."
Writing from Ephesus...most likely. mainly to a jewish/Christian community.
Why? John 20:31 - so that those would believe that Jesus is the Son of God through believing one would have life in his name
Structure of John - Prologue and Epilogue...Book of Signs. Book of Glory (last week of his life)
Note all that is in the Book of Signs. (have more meaning than the parables)
Differences between Synoptic and John -- John doesn't tell about temptations, there are no parables, no exorcisms recorded, Lord's Supper not mentioned. John has many mentions of the hour of His coming and highlights Him being the passover lamb. Gives us story of Lazurus. Continuly mentioned his going back and forth to Judea. -- the organization with in the chapters is different - timing different, gives 3yr ministry - uncertain in others.
Incarnational Approach to Christology - That God was in Christ, that word became flesh
10 Outdoor and Indoor Game Ideas
15 years ago