Last Saturday, I went and stood in this long line for a crazy amount of time, just to audition for The Biggest Loser. Such an odd thing to be at a point in life to admit. When I found out that they were going to interview in Houston, I began to plan then to go. I had to figure out if I could do it and this VBS training, but since we aren't doing the VBS materials now I could go. The process was long and probably pointless to be in line for all that time and not really see any results from it, but it did help me realize the reasons and what has helped me see that I needed to audition. Now, I should try to figure out how to also submit a recording, but that sound tricky.
Even though I have been fat for most of my life, I haven't had negative feeling about it my entire life. There are many times when I haven't even thought about it. Of course there are those rare exceptions as weell when i didn't participate because of my weight. Oddily, that wasn't at camp doing the ropes course. See, I believe the reason for that is I was so surrounded by love of others and God that I knew nothing that could hold me back. I need the biggest loser to be able to put that love and learning within myself.
1. The group setting with large people all learning about it would be good for me. I know my lack of balance isn't just a weight thing, but it is harder because I feel that is all others can see.
2. Food not being the central part of building community. I know I eat is social setting a whole lot more because it is fun. I can't change this on my own.
3. Doctors don't make much sense and don't seem to really care. This would all me to be with a doctor's care and medical guidance that make sense with my stupid meds.
4. If I don't have the choice, then I'm sure I can learn to live without it. I also can probably learn to cook. I need to learn that I am worth the time and effort that is involved with cooking.
5. There are so many questions and answers about diets and exercises. How wonderful it could be to have something created to fit my needs and likes. It would be great to be able to ask questions without laughter or embarrassment.
6. I would be forced to take care of myself because that is where all focus would be.
Perhaps, someday I'll be abe to figure out how to implement these tools in every day life.