Thursday, April 23, 2009

Different This Time?

death and health issues where I battle the most at being a good friend. i've really been just trying to give this one to God but sadly His timing sucks alot with this. I honestly can't think of but one breast cancer survivor in my life. I can quickly name four who didn't get to beat it. So here we are again praying for a miracle but the faith is now less than a mustard seed size.

Please Donate To A Good Cause - Team Denise!

April 20th, 2009
(The following is an email which I sent out today. I am Scared To Death and So Mad about what has been done to me. This is a disease that is “Easily” managed if taken care of in time, but now, because I was mistreated for 9+ months, I am now fighting for my life.)
April 20 2009
My name is Denise. I live in Spring, Texas – about 25 miles north of Houston. I’m 49 years old, single, no children. Three dogs, one cat. I rent my home, I own my truck. I have no partner, no financial assistance… I’m a temp office worker, an Admin, aka secretary, in Houston, Texas; I work Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 5:30. I’m one of the “worker bees”. I pretty much live paycheck-to-paycheck. Like so many others…
I have Family and Friends who I am Blessed to have in my life. I am truly fortunate to have the love, friendship and support of my Family and very good Friends. I have no health insurance.
I’ve been diagnosed with Infiltrating Ductile Carcinoma. An Invasive Breast Cancer. It was mistreated for over a year as a “staph infection”, which allowed the cancer to grow and spread throughout my body – to metastasize. I currently have been diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer and am awaiting the results for metastatic liver cancer. I will be undergoing a head/brain scan to evaluate the possibility of metastatic brain cancer. I am waiting for my official “staging” diagnosis, but am a probable Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer.
My medical outlook is not good. I am trying to maintain a positive mental and emotional outlook, but sometimes it’s difficult.
I’m sending out this email, asking for help. I know things are tough for many people out there, but I’m hoping there will be some who find it in their heart to help me. I Want To Live. I’m keeping a Blog to detail this journey I am on, please “meet” me there -
I am documenting the appointments and events which I am going though. I have medical reports, images and information which I am downloading daily. I am keeping an online budget of my expenses. I am keeping an online list of my Doctors and all info regarding my situation, diagnoses and treatments. If you don’t see something that legitimately concerns my situation, check back in a day - I may just not have gotten it online yet. Or you can email me - any questions can be directed to me at, I will reply as soon as possible.
Please read more about me and my situation here:
Please Help Me Survive. Please consider donating directly to my cause, there’s a “Donate” button located on my front page (
Please donate a dollar… heck, if you feel like it, donate a few dollars!
Whether you are able to donate or not, I would appreciate if you could find it in your heart to forward this request on. Hopefully others will be able to spare a few dollars for my cause. Others who might have been affected by this horrible disease - who may have lost someone, who may have fought for someone, who may have survived themselves. Others who are able to help me.
I Want To Live, I Want To Survive, But I Can’t Afford To Do It Alone. So I am reaching out…
Whatever You Do, Please Also Keep Me In Your Prayers.
With Hope and Faith,