Monday, May 28, 2007

Alvin Frontier Days with Austin Miller

I hope this slideshow thing works for you!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ugh...Bible Quizzes

You know the Bible 98%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

While on a MySpace page for someone from highschool, I saw a link to this quiz. I was a little disappointed in the ease in the questions, but then I remembered that it is only easy because of my exposure to it. Isn't it sad that we judge intelligence based on exposure? I know that some of it is motivation also, but I really believe more is based on opportunities. If I was never taught the bible, then I would not have done well on this quiz. Most of the questions were on the easier level. What this should do is make it a real desire of mine and ohter Christians to help others have the exposure. Yes, I know that there are people who could do well on this quiz and still choose not to believe in God, but at least they would have had a chance to encounter God. Too bad exposure isn't enough.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


This is going to sound odd from a single person, but I think having breaks from even the people we love is important. I know that this woman in the cartoon loves her husband, but especially being around him so much is draining. It doesn't mean that she loves him less because she wants/needs the break. Of course she probably needs it more because of her life of caregiving to him now. Being a caregiver by choice and by need are two very different things. One may grow into the other but they are different in approaches. I think I've really been able to experience that difference more now. I totally get what this cartoon is talking about because I was greatful for the 10-15mins of break time when a therapist came by. Even if I was being productive, I was mentally free for a bit. I'm still trying to learn how to balance at the nursing home since they often fail to meet my expectations of care. I'm just glad I can give them some days/minutes of a break with my own gma to be able to help her eat or be safe.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

She's included

Seeing the name of her in the obituary was amazing. I'm actually glad Jerrese made me read it. The great-grand kid names weren't listed, but all the grand kid names were. Seeing Jerry Don's name and Joyce's name was surprising and special. I would like the courage to talk to Daddy about what he thinks of their names being included, but Richard said that Daddy didn't object. They approved it together. It was really nice to hear how much value Grandmother Ruth had for Joyce. If only I could have known sooner these people were still being somewhat connected to her. No clue what this will mean, but I do like knowing I'm not the only one who still loves her.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Quotes of Thoughts from Worship

These are the thoughts I have or the statements I hear during worship service in my church. I will edit new ones in to here occassionally so the date stamp really will not mean they are all on the same day. I'd say these are mainly for me to remember. Some of them I may be the only one who understands. If you've ever sat near me and read my "notes" during Bible Study or service, then you will remember how my mind works.
Defending family includes church family -if my family is insulted too many times I want nothing to do with the one causing the hurt.
The gospel is about following God. Align with God -always!
Being with God makes me a servant.
His Glory is worth the suffering I perceive.
Where do I need encouragement from God to press on?
Are we willing to share our struggles here even on private post-it notes?
Surface issues to hide sins. Do I use these too much?
Sin is not gonna change till we change their/our hearts.
Making disciples is the work of the whole church, whole word, and whole exceptions!
Rejection is part of the mission.
Sometimes needs need to be challenged not met.
Parables: not facts, subject to world view.
Jesus spoke with OWN authority, His Wisdom. (Mark 1:27)
Is it about rightness or relationship?
Whose really right?
With what authority do we live our life?
Must act now to integrate His authority.
Busy is an external condition; Hurried - I can't receive or give love.
Am I tailgating, getting draft winds, or in the passenger seat?
In TLTWTW, the beavers give the prophecy.
Joy to the World not originally a Christmas song.
Church is only strong in prayer.
The NT focuses on corporate prayer more.
UGH! Why didn't I say in the video, "I don't believe I am belonging if I'm not serving."
"Whatever God wants, God gets" (instead of Lola in Damn Yankees)
Fear keeps us from really sharing; generosity brings contentment.
Can't sing I Surrender All with crossed fingers.
Hosea 6:6 God wants love from us.
Fear keeps us from serving, leads to disobedience.
Am I a have?
God never promised safety. (hummm..)
The worst the world could do is pain in Jesus.
Health Exams like conviction: Does it hurt? It is not susposed to.
Lost - a word of compassion for things of value.
Zacchaeus - a "danny devito" type. (in perception to crowd)
What if Amos 5:21-24 was read when the SBC met?
Denial - refusing to know what you already know. (ouch!)
Justice - restoring relationships
Righteousness - rightly related to God and others
Always Summer, Never Vacation. (instead of Always Winter, Never Christmas as stated in Narnia)
Do I try to put God in my image instead of myself in His image?
Liberalist - not expecting to hear from God
Temptations are everywhere. Jesus wasn't in NOLA when He was in the temples. He was in a place of strength when faced with temptation.
Validation isn't wrong. People know our value from our relationship to Him.
When God calls all to ministry He is really asking "Do You Love Me?"
Foolishness is not preparing for something certain.
Foolishness is depending on others for something that is my responsibility.
No electric power in the church: church doesn't know what to do?
"IF" you can do anything - belief with unbelief.
Mark 9:29 -connects the power to the need
We express our DEPENDENCE on God when we pray.
We express our SUBMISSION to God when we pray.
Why are we more prayer focused when we are less blessed?
Jesus knocks to get us to come out.
Why is it difficult to demonstrate love to those who hurt us?
There is not a point when we can no longer turn to God after acting unfaithful to Him.
There comes a point when it is healthy to write someone off because of his/her choices, but God doesn't do that to us.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Dirty Dancing 20th

Last night I went with a close friend to see the 20th Anniversary of Dirty Dancing on the big screen. I was a little disappointed more people were not at the theatre. When the movie originally came out, I wasn't allowed to see it, of course. When we went on a Girl Scout trip though, many of us watched it in the motel. I remember arguing about who could be "Baby." (The fun things Junior High girls fight over.) I have seen this movie way too many times. I watched the E True Hollywood story on it a couple of times. I even looked up some stuff online about it. When I worked at Ridgecrest, I have a special memory of the night that Dave took us to Lake Lure. This is where Johnny and Baby practice lifts in the water. My friend really went because I invited her, for she didn't have the same love for the movie. I did refrain some from saying all the lines I love before hand. It was funny to hear people actually giggle at scenes. There were a few times you could hear people singing the songs. Oddily people clapped for the most famous line...that we all know. Seeing it on the big screen made the people look different. Did you know Jennifer Grey has a mole on her lower right cheek? Did you know she only had like three pairs of shoes while she was at Kellerman's? Lisa's eyebrows and puffy lips don't look as abnormal on the big screen. Before the movie began, they had a 20min thing about the show and the theatrical production. It was very interesting to see "Vivian" being interviewed 20yrs later. If they hadn't put her name up there, we wouldn't have known this short haired woman was the busty bungalow bunny that tried to rat out Johnny out of jealousy. One of the guys mentioned about people knowing lines that aren't the big lines. Well here are a few of my favorites:
~Read it but return it. I have notes in the margin.
~No Lisa, it should be with someone who you sort of love.
~I carried a watermelon. I carried a watermelon?
~I envy you.
~Spagetti Arms. Lock Your Frame. This is My Dance space this is yours.
~What are you trying to kill me here?
......I'm doing all this to save your "arse" but what I really want to do is drop you on it.
~Go back to your playpen, Baby.
~Daddy listens when I talk now. You hate that.
~I could show you some moves.
~You're right Johnny doesn't matter what you do, you can't change the world.
~I think she gets this from me.
~I know it wasn't you who got Penny in trouble. When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong. You were beautiful up there.