Saturday, April 23, 2005


I soo hate it when these are soo right on it. This actually was a positive reminder for me tonight though because I'm tired of trying to make peace occur. I truly have gotten drained because I can't change people or make them accept differences more. Sadly I can only change me...and sometimes even with that I have to have God to do it. I also know that I'm gonna be glad to think of myself this Sunday night when I have all my room to myself again. Even with moving a week later it will be nice to have some personal space to not share with Bob and Sally. Funny how that happens no matter how much you love the ones you are sharing with. I am a peace maker. I'm not a middle child, but I like for people to have understanding and get along. I hate when people are fake about it though. I do want and need to be around people that can be who they are and love each other inspite of who they are. I strive to be that person. I pray God continues to help be become that person.
Making peace is what comes most easily to you and what you do best. But for some reason, you're just not in the mood to do that today. Maybe it's because your last attempt wasn't quite as appreciated as it should have been. Maybe it's because you're tired of listening to why people can't do what it takes to get along. Whatever it is, though, it's convinced you to think of yourself this weekend. And it's about time.

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