Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day 11:BFF 10/21/04

Teenage females are such a part of my life right now that the idea of lasting best friends seems like a myth. While I know that God is not a teenage female (see Day , some times the realness of a lasting relationship seems impossible. And this kind of rings more true for the only examples that Warren offers in having a friendship with God is of male except oh glorious “Eve”. Now I know that God wants me to be his friend even though he created me female. I just think it would have been nice for there have been a way to include the name of at least one female who was friends with God. But then perhaps we aren’t to approach Friendships with Women the way that we do. (humm...wouldn’t that destroy that book) Warren even says “Your goal is not a feeling, but a continual awareness of the reality that God is always present.” This may then be more difficult for the way God wired females to express and want shared feelings. When we are growing up and moving on with our lives we gain and loose friends because the feelings are no longer there. I know that Virginia, my long term elementary/jr high best friend, still is present in the area; however, this doesn’t mean that we are actually still friends. Even though we both still care about the other, we don’t feel a current friendship. It is about feelings. As changes have occured in my life through moves or others life changes, I know that some of those times we have not remained friends because the goal of feeling a friend was lost. This could be even after making an effort to keep the friendship going. So I think that continual conversation does have to be about feeling also, or else there wouldn’t be motivation for it.The song that came to me today is an Al Denson song that I’ve had on a tape I got in 1990 right before my family moved to AR. It is a song about Friends. The song tells the story of a little boy that prays for a friend and Jesus says that he can be the friend the boy needs. I totally remember coming home from a youth choir practice after being lied to and playing that song over and over. It also fit into the main thrust of my speaker’s tournament speech for that night after practice. Just because the church sucks at times, the friendship we have with Jesus can help us still grow ourselves and loves those in the church. Now I can see that was the point of the know Jesus love and express it back. (grrrrr...I wish I still had it.) Even though Warren plays the trinity game, I think that the having Jesus as a friend encompasses the trinity.
The Question To Consider: There is something odd about me in that I don’t really not think about God. I might should talk differently with him. Even when I have been willfully sinning or planning to, my thoughts hit upon God. When I’m doing ordinary things, I have thoughts about my walk. I’ve pretty much always been this way. I can’t explain it either cause it isn’t that I’ve always made that effort. When Steven Curtis Champman did that Let’s Us Pray song, I thought it was normal to know the conversation didn’t end with amen.

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