Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day 6 10/15/04

I guess I have to play catch up today. Thursday night I couldn’t recall my password so I ended up taking advantage of that and not doing it. So today I’ll have to do another one to get things back in order. It is tough to stay on top of things with journaling. The reading part isn’t tough but forcing thinking on it can be tiresome.
ANYWAYS! (I don’t care if it isn’t correct, but I like the “S”My favorite quote that I probably shouldn’t actually like to follow is “You won’t be here long, so don’t get to attached.” The surface level of things seem to be least at first usually. We get this concept of temporary living when we move or encounter someone who hates where they have moved. If you hate it then you don’t try to find the just think about moving out again. So do we truly become ambassadors then. I know that I don’t respect when people don’t try to live in the life that they are presently given. Some are so negative about they area they live that they try to bring that negativity into all that they do. The weather may not be what you had as a child in yankee land, but there are lives to touch in your new area at the beach. The time may be temporary, however am I/are we using it to full impact.
The Question to Consider: I’ve kinda already addressed this because I don’t view this temporary assignment on earth as time for popularity and wealth. If a change had to be made, perhaps I am to then be more aggressive in caring about those in the temporary life.

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